Condition surveys: are a cost effective way of maximising budgets allocated to future maintenance or upgrade works. A condition survey will provide facility managers with a professional opinion on the current condition of a particular facility. Plans for upgrades, remedial works etc.. can then be generated along side monitoring of the facilities compliance against your organisations standards, legal regulation or land owner duty of care.
Inspection surveys: these are general purchased on a more regular or an annual basis (typically a four or 5 year period). Following which there is normally a condition survey. Inspection records are an essential tool and record for all trail, track or path managers. They record condition, wear trends, remedial works and general management of a facility. They are crucial in providing evidence of reasonable levels of management, facility provision and compliance, should there ever be an accident and subsequent claim.
Call us to discuss inspection contract options and costs. We are happy to meet you on your site or at your facility to help provide a more accurate quote.
Water & Frost Damage
Trail Tread & Flow
Vegetation & Encroachment
Signage & Structures
Entries & Exits
Culverts & Drainage
Upland Paths
Jumps & Technical Features
Damage & Vandalism
Switchbacks & Berms
Lowland Paths & Trails
Wood Structures
Stonework & Pitching