Prestatyn Pump Track Design

A pump track design contract, along with statutory planning advice for a small, intermediate skill level pump track for the residents of Prestatyn on the North Wales coast.

A pump track design contract, along with statutory planning advice for a small, intermediate skill level pump track for the residents of Prestatyn on the North Wales coast.

Several design options were produced for the Client, along with design consultations with ROSPA over new innovative design layouts we were proposing, to ensure the design was as safe, progressive and contemporary as possible within the Clients remit. ROSPA approved all new design layouts proposed, paving the wave for more progressive track layouts and designs.

The pump track is designed for use by all wheeled users i.e. scooters, cruiser skate boards, BMX, MTB bikes etc... Designed to be progressive, durable and fun, at the same time the track specification had to meet the needs of Denbighshire County Council from a liability perspective and require minimal maintenance for their ground maintenance team. The track would also act as a complimentary facility for the more advanced BMX and MTB facilities at Marsh Tracks in Rhyl. 

This project is currently awaiting funding opportunities.

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